I was asked by blogs.com from Six Apart to compile a list of
10 food policy blogs.
In this list, [Parke] looked beyond the excellent sites that already appeared in a recent list at Culinate, which included Ethicurean, Green Fork, ChewsWise, Food Politics, Politics of the Plate, Grist, Civil Eats, and Obama Foodorama. Parke’s list adds some more blogs from within what might loosely be called the “good food movement,” but it emphasizes other selections that he reads to maintain diversity in his information stream.
Food Law Prof Blog
For legal news and insight, a member of the Law Professor Blog Network. More legal blogging comes from the Agricultural Law blog.
Amber Waves
The dry but substantial electronic magazine from USDA’s Economic Research Service, with accompanying RSS feed, is enough like a blog to make this list. In the same vein, one could mention Choices electronic magazine from the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA).
La Vida Locavore
A thick stream of news and policy commentary from a local food perspective.
By the staff of Capital News agriculture newspaper.
Farm Policy
A thorough summary of daily agricultural news coverage, with excerpts and little editorial commentary.
Practical food shopping advice. No pills. No industry affiliation.
Center for a Livable Future Blog
Focusing on industrialized food production systems.
Marler Blog
Commentary on food poisoning outbreaks and litigation.
TEFAP Alliance Blog
News about food assistance programs and the anti-hunger movement.
Daily Bread
The food business blog at Slate’s site, The Big Money.
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